This photo series is dedicated to some interesting architecture. I spent some time looking at these buildings, studying them from different angles, thinking of them, and with some of them I had a couple of attempts to get the desired image. I guess, I developed a certain attachment to them which resulted in attaching a little story to each one of them. Recently I also watched a documentary on the Inca Empire, where one of the archeologists said, that: "In the ancient cultures by creating something you gave life to it."

Pablo Neruda Bibliothek aka PNB, the visual researcher and more at the Build-In-G Group.
If ever asked about his favourite things, these would be his answers:
Favourite country: Chile
Favourite city: Santiago
Favourite animal: Andean condor
Favourite food: The Complete con Ensalada a la Chilean
Favourite language: Espanol, por supuesto
Favourite place: Stargazing in one of the loungers
at the open-air observatory of the Alto Atacama resort
…He could go on and on playing this question and answer game.

Maria Regina Martyrum also a modern goth and an intern at Build-In-G Group. She finds siting alone or in the company of her fellow intern pal and best friend Paul Gerhard Kirche in an empty church very comforting. She is looking forward to their next trip to the Cimetière du Père-Lachaise in Paris. See you in Paris then…

Paul Gerhard Church, a modern goth, an intern at the Build-In-G group. His biggest goal is to visit the most interesting cemeteries, mausoleums and other burial places in the world. He is working with his fellow intern pal and best friend Maria Regina Martyrum on their bucket list at the moment. So, who knows, maybe next time they will visit catacombs near you...

The first member and one of the founding partners of the /Build-In-G Group/ the Berliner Philharmonie from Berlin in Germany. She enjoys classical music very much, her favourite colour is ochre in its all ranges, with a touch of white or gold sometimes, and one shall not forget to mention her being related to the German architect Hans Scharoun.

James-Simon-Galerie the second member and one of the founding partners of the /Build-In-G Group/ from Berlin in Germany. Her favourite brand is Off-White. What she loves the most in the whole world, is to be in a company of lots of people twenty four seven seven days a week from nine am till six pm. Hard to catch her being just by herself. Never not alone.

Philip Morris GmbH a member of the /Build-In-G Group/ and the head of accounting. A bit of a chain smoker, but he keeps his diet strictly only to very healthy food. His favourite cigarette brand is obviously Marlboro. He is also a passionate collector of lighters, especially the vintage ones, and meanwhile a proud owner of a quite an impressive collection.
